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I'm not receiving my confirmation e-mail to activate my forum account, what's up with that?A. As of mid-2016, SourceForge, dolserver.net host, removed email related services thus removing email authentication, including account password recovery. There is no timeframe for when hosting will be moved. Nevertheless, there is alot of information to be found on the forum and you can still use the search function. If you cannot find your answer, feel free to ask any question you wanted to post on the forum in Discord.Join us on our Discord Channel. The xp on dol is custom its to high couse it were never changed on live. And couse not all noticed that yet i gonna xplain the xp diffrence from live to dol and from classic to livelike.First of all Uthgard have exactly classic xp rules check this list:(the Level Cap is outdated in one way couse you get first grp xp and camp xp then that cap is changed and the other bonuses are added after)This is the same as xp as currently on live it looks higher couse you have better skills and procs on lower levels and you dont start as starter class anymore.

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Project TrackerHelp improve Dawn of Light Latest Open Issuesfreelevel wasn't available, timer became negative insteadDruid Spell Issue - Embrace of Nature. Main spell casts but no heal procing. Spell delve appears fine and believe was working year ago.Taking a foreign DF exit won't port you out on live you get back to your own realm, no matter what exit you takeYou can not place nor paint a skiff on the Atlantean Ocean.My money and all the money of my alliance members was reseted on the last server reboot.Longest Open Issuesspiritmaster pet menu and pet commands are not working.possibly not implemented yet, having zero luck with any of themheretic aoe dmg and snare duration seems very short.maybe 5 seconds instead of 30whole hunter beastcraft line is bugged. Lvl 30 spell not implemented the charming spells not right, has to be fixed completely i guess:(vamp: i dont know how but i can interrupt without range limit with a pulse that never stops even when i sit oOI cannot update my Bainshee Epic.
Vince Lombardi's Diary of One Week with the Green Bay Packers Vince Lombardi. Lombardi gives us his views on life, the game, coaching, success, family, and the. Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Young, only 57, from digestive complaints that turned out to be aggressive cancer. Vince Lombardi. Vincent Thomas Lombardi (June 11, 1913 – September 3, 1970) was an American football. Later in life, he would explain to others that he was close to graduating, but. Lombardi led the Packers to the 1960 Championship Game against the. The Vince Lombardi Cancer clinic at Aurora Health Care is named after him. Amazon.com: When Pride Still Mattered: A Life Of Vince Lombardi (446). All of football great Vince Lombardi: the myth, the man, his game, and his God. Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Lived his faith through all the days of his celebrity life to his untimely death from cancer.

The Template is missing according to the master blacksmith. Website by - © 2012 Dawn of Light - Powered by © 2011 phpBB GroupArtwork and screen shots Copyright © 2001-2004 Mythic Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.
Used with permission of Mythic Entertainment. Mythic Entertainment, the Mythic Entertainment logo, 'Dark Age of Camelot,' 'Shrouded Isles,' 'Foundations,' 'New Frontiers,' 'Trials of Atlantis,' 'Catacombs,' 'Darkness Rising,' the Dark Age of Camelot and subsequent logos, and the stylized Celtic knot are trademarks of Mythic Entertainment, Inc.
Highlights.Players who fall through the floor/ground in RvR enabled zones will now take normal falling damage when they hit the ground, potentially killing them. PvE/RvR Death penalties apply and RPs will be awarded normally.In light of recent events in Japan we will be turning off all house rent.A new Quest completion icon has been added to the quest system. Any NPC having a quest you can complete with him will now display a blue knot above his head.All players who are wielding two weapons will now reduce their target’s chance to block or evade by 25%.Slam – the stun duration has been reduced to 5 seconds for all classes except for Heroes, Armsmen, and Warriors.Quest rewards that you cannot use are now shaded red.
Your selected item is now shaded a dark yellow. (UI Modifiers see engineering note below.)Class BalanceBalance Changes.All players who are wielding two weapons will now reduce their target’s chance to block or evade by 25%.All classes will now receive their final armor and shield proficiencies at level 1.
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Additionally, all classes will be able to use all weapons that their class can use at level 1, and will be granted access to all specialization lines at level 1.