Db2 Express C Db2 Install Graphical Mode

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Db2 express c db2 install graphical models

Here are the steps I did to install db2 express C on Mac OSX Mavericks.Note: I did all the commands logged into my own user; when I needed to run as a different user, I used sudo. Excellent instructions Leons! FYI for those who ran into DB2 errors when following his step-by-step and his updated guide for El Capitan, this may help.1) I got the following errors when running the above steps 13 & 14 as db2inst1 (I was not able to run step 13 with my Mac userid, it likely gave some other error regarding userId/password, can't remember):db2inst1$ db2samplStarting the DB2 instance.Creating database 'SAMPLE'.Attempt to create the database 'SAMPLE' failed.SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued.

Db2 Express C Db2 Install Graphical Mode Download


Hi Harish,Db2 has a list of requirements for the installation:One of those requirements is:'An X Window System software capable of rendering a graphicaluser interface is required in the following scenarios:. You want to use the Db2Setup wizard to install a Db2database product on Linux or UNIX operatingsystems, or. You want to use graphical tools on Linux for x86 and Linux onAMD 64/EM64T.' Hi Greg,Thanks for your inputs.

I absolutely understand that WaylandSession is not yet Enterprise OS Display server replacing XOrg.But I thought a Linux App written usually runs in any displayserver I can launch calculator app in any session considering thespecial case that db2 installer GUI is using java AWT toolkit I wasthinking it should be some simple issue to fix like setting somevariables or flags in the environment which I am not settingproperly.So was just trying to find out if any body has done thatsuccessfully for home use only. I am using DB2 Express-C foreducation and learning purpose for many years with a Linux Laptop.So was just looking for a solution more for education/trainingand blogging usage only.Thanks,Harish Pathangay. Hi Harish,as Greg mentioned, IBM offers support for X Windows or aheadless install with either a response file or via db2install. Itis a common practice to have servers in a datacenter, which do notget an X Windows server installed just for the launchpad to installsoftware.However, if you want to use something more sophisticated as awindow manager, you are free to do so.You could enter an RFE if your RFE finds 20+ people who also vote for it, then chancesare high, IBM is considering this as a useful extension and mayimplement it in a future version.Until then you have to install X windows in parallel and use itfor Db2 installs, if you don't want to get into response files.CheersRoland. Hi All,I explain intention behind the question.

Ibm Db2 Express C

Db2setup is like a javaawt program. Java can run anywhere. X Org or Wayland should notmatter from a Java programming perspective. I do not know Java, butI am only speaking conceptually with a little understanding of javaprograms window drawing methods. I may be wrong also. It becomesmore like a Linux / Java AWT question. I am just curiousthat any tweaks are available so that it can run it.

Again I am sosorry, if it is not supported I will have to accept it.Thanks for your patient replies.Case Closed.thanks again,Harish Pathangay.