Bose Controlspace Esp-88 User Manual
CC-64 Control Center Technical SpecificationsConnectorsNetwork: RJ-45 (10 Base - T Ethernet) Power: Euroblock 2-pin (included)Maximum Cable Length328' (100 m)Maximum Number of Units Per System16 per ControlSpace® networkPower Supply Requirement15 to 24 VDC, 300 mA, using local power input or over modified Cat-5 cableControlSpace® CC-64The Bose ControlSpace CC-64 control center is an elegant, programmable, networked controller that provides users a simple and logical interface to their sound systems when using ControlSpace ESP processors and/or network version PowerMatch® amplifiers. Because the controller is completely programmable, you can customize the sound system, making only certain controls available, and simplifying user interaction with the system.The CC-64 provides four rotary encoders with circular LED rings for a user-friendly method of managing gain settings or scene selections. A fifth encoder (upper right) provides control over programmed 'scenes' or presets. Four bank switch buttons redefine the four Gain/Selector control knobs, providing quick access for up to 16 system gain controls or selectors.
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Bose Controlspace Esp-88 User Manual 2016
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