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From Introduction: The field work that furnished the basis for this report was begun in 1930 and was continued at intervals until 1934. The anticlinal character of the Kettleman Hills is apparent to even the casual observer, but the many structural complications due to an intricate network of minor faults, at least in North Dome and Middle Dome, are much less obvious. Though it is improbable that these faults have any relation to the occurrence of oil, an attempt was made to map them, not only to represent the structure adequately but also because the stratigraphy could not be understood. From Introduction: The field work that furnished the basis for this report was begun in 1930 and was continued at intervals until1934. The anticlinal character of the Kettleman Hills is apparent to even the casual observer, but the many structural complications due to an intricate network of minor faults, at least in North Dome and Middle Dome, are much less obvious. Though it is improbable that these faults have any relation to the occurrence of oil, an attempt was made to map them, not only torepresent the structure adequately but also because the stratigraphy could not be understood if they were neglected. Faunal zones were particularly useful in mapping.


On the other hand, some lithologic units proved to be more persistent than had been expected. The two sets of features-fossils and lithology-served as checks on each other. Archival Resource Key (ARK). ERC Record:.Persistence Statement:International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF). IIIF Manifest:Metadata Formats.

California Geology Harden Pdf Creator Online

UNTL Format:. DC RDF:. DC XML:. OAIDC:. METS:.OpenSearch Document:Images.Thumbnail:.Small Image:URLs.In-text:Stats.Usage Stats:Woodring, W. P.; Stewart, Ralph & Richards, R.

California Geology Harden Pdf CreatorCalifornia Geology Harden Pdf Creator

California Geology Harden Pdf Creator Free

Geology of the Kettleman Hills Oil Field, California: Stratigraphy, Paleontology, and Structure,report,1940;Washington D.C.(:accessed January 22, 2020),University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.