Delete A File From The Ifs Of God
Hi, I apologize in advance if this I have missed this information somewhere, but is there a way to remove local files once they have been succefully updated via a script?For example, right now I have a machine automatically uploading to a remote linux server from a Windows workstation. I would like the first workstation to delete the local files once they have been uploaded, but I do not know what the command/syntax would be to accomlish this (if it exists)?For example, on the first machine I might have something simple like this running via task scheduler:option batch onoption confirm offopen user:user@ transfer binaryput C:import%%% I would like a command to delete the files in C:import here:)%%%closeexitCan anyone tell me how I can accomplish this?Thanks! You can run the WinSCP script from batch file that will remove the local file after the WinSCP finishes. Next version of WinSCP will maybe support execution of local commands directly.Thanks for your reply. I think that would be a useful feature for situations like this; I thought maybe it was possible and I was just overlooking it since local files can be deleted via the GUI.Any idea of a good way of deleting these after they have tranferred via a batch file?
I am concerned about them getting deleted before the upload completes. I supposed I could just have scheduler delete whatever is there the next morning; but if for some reason the upload failed (interrupted internet access, power outage, etc) I would be concerned that it might result in lost files.Maybe this is just a concern I will have to deal with; but if you had something in mind I would appreciate it if you would share it.Thanks!◆Site AdminJoined:2002-12-10Posts:32,341Location:Prague, CzechiaRe: Deleting local files after successful transfer via script. Any idea of a good way of deleting these after they have tranferred via a batch file?
I am concerned about them getting deleted before the upload completes. I supposed I could just have scheduler delete whatever is there the next morning; but if for some reason the upload failed (interrupted internet access, power outage, etc) I would be concerned that it might result in lost files.As I've wrote before, run winscp from windows batch file (.bat) and once it successfully finishes (exit code 0), remove the local files using windows command 'del'.Martin PrikrylGuest. Thanks for the addional help, I understand what you are saying about accomplishing my goal via batch file, but I guess I just do not have the knowledge of HOW to do it.Something like this?@ECHO OFFCDPROGRA1WINSCP3WINSCP3 /CONSOLE /SCRIPT=UPLOAD.TXT UPLOADIF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO SUCCESSIF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO FAILURE:SUCCESSECHO FILES SUCCESSFULLY UPLOADED!DEL C:FILES.tifGOTO END:FAILUREECHO ERRORS DURING TRANSFER. FILES NOT UPLOADED.:ENDThis didn't work (because I don't know what I am doing I suspect), I believe the problem is that I don't know enough about exit/error codes and how to implement them properly into a batch file to do this.I realize this is not your fault or problem; but if you know right off, I would appreciate it if you could elaborate.
If not, thanks anyway for the help offered already. Thanks for your reply.
I have done as you suggested (unless I misunderstood you), so the batch would now be:@ECHO OFFCDPROGRA1WINSCP3WINSCP3 /CONSOLE /SCRIPT=UPLOAD.TXT docstarIF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO FAILUREIF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO SUCCESS:SUCCESSECHO FILES SUCCESSFULLY UPLOADED!DEL C:import.tifGOTO END:FAILUREECHO ERRORS DURING TRANSFER. FILES NOT UPLOADED.:ENDHowever, if the DSL line is out, I receive a message, 'Copying files to remote side failed.session 'upload' failed.No session.' At this point, the batch file continues on to delete the client side files and display 'FILES UPLOADED SUCCESSFULLY!'
So, it would seem that for whatever reason (probably an error in my batch file) that an error code is not being picked up and a branch is not occuring as I would like.Thanks again for your assistance!◆Site AdminJoined:2002-12-10Posts:32,341Location:Prague, Czechia. I have requirement that i need to upload files(two or four) from unix(SFTP Serevr) and windows machine, after successful transfer, we need to remove the local files.As i am very new to this, Could you please suggest and provide sample code.This topic covers your question. What do you need more?See also this article, which covers similar topic:Martin Prikryl◆Site AdminJoined:2002-12-10Posts:32,341Location:Prague, CzechiaRe: Code for uploading a file to unix server and deletion of local files.
You tried it with double quotes?Rm 'QNTCWDSERVER2FLASHORTHOFLASHflashtest.xls'This was my plan b when I had a similar problem. The rm worked for me soI didn't try this but it is supposed to work:Note: An FTP session may be started either from the iSeries CommandLine (on the same iSeries system or on a different iSeries system) or itmay be started from a PC DOS Command Prompt.1 To start an FTP session to the IBM(r) System i(tm) system, ontheoperating system command line type the following command:FTP Press the Enter key. You are prompted to sign on and type yourpassword.2 Once signed on, change the naming format from operating systemtoUNIX by issuing the NAMEFMT 1 command (quote site namefmt 1, andpress the Enter key). The FTP session should respond with 250Now using naming format '1'.3 To change to the root of the Integrated File System, type thefollowing:CD /Press the Enter key. Response from the iSeries family systemshould be 250 '/' is current directory.If the file is located in a directory or a subdirectory ratherthan on the root of the Integrated File System, issue CDdirname,and press the Enter key.
Response from the iSeries familysystemshould be 250 '/dirname' is current directory.4 Type the following:DEL MYFILE.TXT.Press the Enter key. The response is 250 Deleted file/MYFILE.TXT. This also works with the RENAME command.-Original Message-From: MKirkpatrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmailto:MKirkpatrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 12:17 PMTo: Midrange Systems Technical DiscussionSubject: RE: Unable to delete file from IFSBill,This is the FILE name:QNTCWDSERVER2FLASHORTHOFLASHflashtest.xlsNOT the file name + directory(location). This file was located in/home/mkirkpat not in QNTCWDSERVER2FLASHORTHOFLASHConfusing, I know. When I used the HSSFSave the name of the file wasQNTCWDSERVER2FLASHORTHOFLASHflashtest.xls and so it was createdinmy home directory (/home/mkirkpat).
Delete A File From The Ifs Of God Pdf
I screwed up the file name.Thanks.Michael KirkpatrickWestern Dental Services, Inc.Information Systems / System i(tm) Development(Phone:(714) 571.3582(Toll free:(800) 471.44447Fax:(714) 480.3001.Email:mkirkpatrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8Web:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 09:58:31 AM:Did you change to the ORTHOFLASH directory and try rm'flashtest.xls'?-Original Message-From: MKirkpatrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmailto:MKirkpatrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 11:47 AMTo: Midrange Systems Technical DiscussionSubject: RE: Unable to delete file from IFSBill and Brad. Thanks.QSH rm worked for the one named:QNTCWDSERVER2FLASHORTHOFLASHflashtest.xls (Note the singleslashat the beginning.)When I try to delete others likeQNTCWDSERVER2FLASHORTHOFLASHflashtest.xls (Note the doubleslashat the beginning) it gives me an error:rm: 001-2103 Error found getting information for file or directoryQNTCWDSERVER2FLASHORTHOFLASHflashtest.xls.
No such file ordirectory. (Notice the name, single slash at the beginning)It seems that it is actually looking for the file in theQNTCWDSERVER2FLASHORTHOFLASH directory. But it is not there.